We are in a season of really seeing all of God's work in our lives. We have had a really hard patch in our lives this past month. Things that bring most people down to depression or despair. Instead, I have been at peace with it all. When it rains, it pours in my life. It's always been that way. I don't ever just have one bad thing happen or one set back it's always several things all in one week or month. I used to let it get me down, but now I just know God's in control, and no amount of worry or distress on my part will change anything. I attribute this sense of peace from my time with God. Starting my days with him, even if only for 15 minutes, had been a game changer. I love the quiet time spent with God. I love listening to the stillness and getting guidance from Him. It could be anything from which scripture to read all the way to how to solve a major obstacle I'm facing. Sometimes, it comes quickly, and sometimes, it takes a while to see His plan. But I know that because I trust in Him and because I prioritize HIS time that it will all work out. No matter the problem or hurdle. I love God mornings, even if I watch them on replay. Because it's a reminder of starting each day with God and other like-minded women. Submit Sundays are my favorite, though, because the work we do there sets the tone for the week. And I love having a plan. I can go back over my notes daily and remind myself of what I committed to on Sunday and also write down the blessings/answered prayers from each day. Sometimes we get hung up on only the big asks. "God, bring me that new job. God, please help me figure out how to pay these bills. Etc" But we forget to praise Him for the little things. It may be that our kids got along all day. Or you ran into an old friend at the store. Or someone paid for your food in line. Or if you are like me, I hit a deer last week going 60mph. God helped me see it in enough time to slow down enough to barely clip it. The deer lived and you can't even tell I hit it unless you look really close. That's a God thing. Not a I'm such a good driver thing. So to me, Submit Sunday helps me to remember to praise Him for all the things, big and small. Praise Him when I succeed and when I fail. This program has been a huge blessing to me and in turn also a blessing to my family. Because with change in me, comes change in my family too.
First, I would like to take time out to thank Debbie Ballard for having a heart and mind to be intune to God's leading. I am happy to have connected with a women who is passionate about God's word, and willing to go above and beyond to make sure we are growing daily in His word for our personal lives. Being apart of Guided Steps has truly been a game changer for me concerning my personal prayer life. I had come to realize that I had become lazy in my walk and prayer life, yet the plan that Debbie laid out has helped me to become more intentional with how I pray and howi spend time with God. This community keeps me accountable concerning my growth in Christ and other areas of my life. I am so happy to be apart of something that has transformed me and my life in so many ways. I have been up against so much, and some situations has completed blindsided me. And I truly believe that, had I not had this foundation or experience with Guided Steps, those situations would have utterly crushed and broken me. I am so grateful Debbie that you are building each of us to be the men and women God designed us to be, so that we all will step boldly in each of our purpose and calling. Thank you for creating this platform to build up His Kingdom. Thank you for creating space that we can grow in our own personal relationships with Him, and helping us to be intentional about the time we spend in His Presence.
You Totally Rock! Love you Debbie!!
Being a part of the Guided Steps Community has been a tremendous blessing and a life-changing transformation in my personal time with God. This community is all about accountability and growing into whom God has called us all to be. I have never been a part of an active community of followers of Christ. We fast and pray together, have morning devotional together, and encourage each other as we grow to be intentional in our personal relationships with God.
God mornings have truly helped me get up and spend time with God every morning because I know there's a community, and we are all doing this together. The anointing of Guided Steps is evident when God brings so much out of me during the first hour of my day using the prompts that are provided. Before this, my morning routine would sometimes have prayer and devotion time to God, but writing down everything in the morning and praying over everything God brings to me is such a game-changer! Now I look forward to that time with God and often wake up before my alarm goes off!
Submit Sundays prepares me for the week ahead and helps me to truly implement goals based on the word of God. This keeps me moving forward every single say. I'm very thankful God led me to Guided Steps.
Most of my life, I have been an early riser and have made my time with the Lord a priority. But when I began Guided Steps, I had totally fallen into the “sleep till six or seven “mode and the Lord ended up getting the crumbs as I rushed out the door.
I am very thankful, even though it has been hard, for the community and the accountability of this group. I really need accountability in every area of my life but especially spiritual accountability.
Since I have been committed to waking up and meeting on zoom, the Lord has been helping me in so many ways! He often wakes me up before my alarm now, and I feel well rested. He gives me HIS rest, which is better!
I also have had more time to get things done and have had a more peaceful countenance and haven’t been so rushed. I have set goals OF building intentional relationship with friends and family. It’s just amazing how much more productive I am lately because the Lord really does multiply my personal time when I give Him His time first!
We are in a season of really seeing all of God's work in our lives. We have had a really hard patch in our lives this past month. Things that bring most people down to depression or despair. Instead, I have been at peace with it all. When it rains, it pours in my life. It's always been that way. I don't ever just have one bad thing happen or one set back it's always several things all in one week or month. I used to let it get me down, but now I just know God's in control, and no amount of worry or distress on my part will change anything. I attribute this sense of peace from my time with God. Starting my days with him, even if only for 15 minutes, had been a game changer. I love the quiet time spent with God. I love listening to the stillness and getting guidance from Him. It could be anything from which scripture to read all the way to how to solve a major obstacle I'm facing. Sometimes, it comes quickly, and sometimes, it takes a while to see His plan. But I know that because I trust in Him and because I prioritize HIS time that it will all work out. No matter the problem or hurdle. I love God mornings, even if I watch them on replay. Because it's a reminder of starting each day with God and other like-minded women. Submit Sundays are my favorite, though, because the work we do there sets the tone for the week. And I love having a plan. I can go back over my notes daily and remind myself of what I committed to on Sunday and also write down the blessings/answered prayers from each day. Sometimes we get hung up on only the big asks. "God, bring me that new job. God, please help me figure out how to pay these bills. Etc" But we forget to praise Him for the little things. It may be that our kids got along all day. Or you ran into an old friend at the store. Or someone paid for your food in line. Or if you are like me, I hit a deer last week going 60mph. God helped me see it in enough time to slow down enough to barely clip it. The deer lived and you can't even tell I hit it unless you look really close. That's a God thing. Not a I'm such a good driver thing. So to me, Submit Sunday helps me to remember to praise Him for all the things, big and small. Praise Him when I succeed and when I fail. This program has been a huge blessing to me and in turn also a blessing to my family. Because with change in me, comes change in my family too.
First, I would like to take time out to thank Debbie Ballard for having a heart and mind to be intune to God's leading. I am happy to have connected with a women who is passionate about God's word, and willing to go above and beyond to make sure we are growing daily in His word for our personal lives. Being apart of Guided Steps has truly been a game changer for me concerning my personal prayer life. I had come to realize that I had become lazy in my walk and prayer life, yet the plan that Debbie laid out has helped me to become more intentional with how I pray and howi spend time with God. This community keeps me accountable concerning my growth in Christ and other areas of my life. I am so happy to be apart of something that has transformed me and my life in so many ways. I have been up against so much, and some situations has completed blindsided me. And I truly believe that, had I not had this foundation or experience with Guided Steps, those situations would have utterly crushed and broken me. I am so grateful Debbie that you are building each of us to be the men and women God designed us to be, so that we all will step boldly in each of our purpose and calling. Thank you for creating this platform to build up His Kingdom. Thank you for creating space that we can grow in our own personal relationships with Him, and helping us to be intentional about the time we spend in His Presence.
You Totally Rock! Love you Debbie!!
Being a part of the Guided Steps Community has been a tremendous blessing and a life-changing transformation in my personal time with God. This community is all about accountability and growing into whom God has called us all to be. I have never been a part of an active community of followers of Christ. We fast and pray together, have morning devotional together, and encourage each other as we grow to be intentional in our personal relationships with God.
God mornings have truly helped me get up and spend time with God every morning because I know there's a community, and we are all doing this together. The anointing of Guided Steps is evident when God brings so much out of me during the first hour of my day using the prompts that are provided. Before this, my morning routine would sometimes have prayer and devotion time to God, but writing down everything in the morning and praying over everything God brings to me is such a game-changer! Now I look forward to that time with God and often wake up before my alarm goes off!
Submit Sundays prepares me for the week ahead and helps me to truly implement goals based on the word of God. This keeps me moving forward every single say. I'm very thankful God led me to Guided Steps.
Most of my life, I have been an early riser and have made my time with the Lord a priority. But when I began Guided Steps, I had totally fallen into the “sleep till six or seven “mode and the Lord ended up getting the crumbs as I rushed out the door.
I am very thankful, even though it has been hard, for the community and the accountability of this group. I really need accountability in every area of my life but especially spiritual accountability.
Since I have been committed to waking up and meeting on zoom, the Lord has been helping me in so many ways! He often wakes me up before my alarm now, and I feel well rested. He gives me HIS rest, which is better!
I also have had more time to get things done and have had a more peaceful countenance and haven’t been so rushed. I have set goals OF building intentional relationship with friends and family. It’s just amazing how much more productive I am lately because the Lord really does multiply my personal time when I give Him His time first!
The fact that you recognized the need to create Guided Steps is Holy Spirit orchestrated. Even those of us who love and serve God need to be guided into a special time with him. You provided an avenue for me to reconnect with God first thing in the morning. I committed my vows to Him, and now my husband wants to get up with me because he wants to spend mornings with God and I. Thank you for helping me to rediscover my first love!
I've spent time with God in the mornings for many years, but having an organized way to do so with a community to help me stay accountable has been life-changing for me. I now wake up in the mornings and can't wait to get to my planner and spend time with my Creator. God continues to teach me and impart His wisdom to me during this time with Him, and my day begins much more peace-filled and hopeful. I can't imagine starting my day in any other way now. Thank you for this tool and for this community. I love it!
Guided Steps Mornings with God challenges me to make starting my day in the Word and in prayer the first thing rather than another thing to fit into a rushed morning. I committed to beginning my day with him. I chose to do so in community—reading and praying on my own yet in company with others doing the same thing at the same time. Even as a morning person, the 5 a.m. start felt ambitious, but I found God often stirred me to wakefulness before my alarm sounded, allowing me to begin my day rested, refreshed, and ready to go—with Him!
I love being a part of Deb's community. The most impactful part for me is the START worksheet. I've been meeting with God daily for decades, but I decided to increase my daily time with God to one hour. It feels less rushed and it gives me more time to listen. I love going through the START worksheet each morning and especially the Receive section. God gives me guidance for work, church and relationships. It's so practical. God cares about every little thing in our lives and He's ready to guide us if we'll just listen."