You are Invited to join the Guided Steps Community

You are
invited to join
the Guided Steps Community

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Being a part of the Guided Steps Community has been a tremendous blessing and a life-changing transformation in my personal time with God. This community is all about accountability and growing into whom God has called us all to be. I have never been a part of an active community of followers of Christ. We fast and pray together, have morning devotional together, and encourage each other as we grow to be intentional in our personal relationships with God.

Wanting a relationship with God, but don't know where to start?

In Guided Steps Community, we believe in starting your day with God. When you start your day with Him, it lets you begin each day with His peace.

We meet Sunday - Friday at 5 AM (CST) for God Morning!

This a time that you can dive deep in prayers, read your bible , and seek vision, wisdom & guidance.

You're Invited To God Mornings!

Why Did We Start God Mornings?​

I was driving in my car in Aug 2022 and Holy Spirit said "They" Need Accountability & Commitment"  I knew that I needed Accountability & Commitment for a specific time to START my day with God.I asked for more details and God Morning started. He guided me to go live at 5am CST.​

What Is God Morning?​

It's very simple...It is an hour 5am-6:15 CST that we join together and spend time with God.This is about YOUR time with God5am - Opening prayer (Holy Spirit to fill, flood us & Teach Us All Things)5:05am - We each spend time with God (some on camera some off) Everyone is muted. 6am Closing Prayer6:05am Create A God Day (What ever the Holy Spirit is leading)You are welcome to join us ANY time during this gathering!​

Why God Mornings?​

It's A Powerful Morning!We know that God is always in us but to have Him in the midst of us is powerful and we gather every morning with Him in the midst of us. We feel it!"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."- Matthew 18:20 NKJV

How Do I Join God Mornings?​

On our Guided Steps App (you can access the app on your phone & on the computer)

The Guided Steps Community Is $12 a Year - Click Link Below! (This just helps us with the APP, equipment, etc.)

Inside the App You Will See The Guided Steps Community 

Then search for the CURRENT week.  There you will find Submit Sundays & God Mornings!

Why Men's & Women's Community?

We have a Men's & Women's Community.

This is so men can share prayers with other men and women share prayers with other women.

We all gather together for God Mornings & Submit Sunday's.  

The only difference is the prayer areas on the app.

What Is The Guided Steps Community?

• God Mornings - Gathering To Pray Every Morning (Sun - Fri)
• Submit Sunday Challenge - Every Sunday Morning!
• Fasting - Each Sunday We Proclaim A Community Fast!

The Community is to help with Accountability & Commitment to God. We all need to be accountable and when we join together it encourages all of us to spend time with God. To take time together to hear Him and to seek Him together.

We Have Men's & Women's Community For Prayers Only.
Everyone joins together for God Morning & Submit Sundays!

You're Invited To Submit Sunday Challenge

Why Did We Start Submit Sunday Challenge?​

In that same car ride as God Morning.  I was asking God for more detail and He guided me to Submit to Him weekly.  So Submit Sunday Started.   And it's POWERFUL every week.  It is truly what helps me each week stay focused on God.  

What Is Submit Sunday Challenge?

Submit Sunday is every Sunday morning and it's a time to come together and we walk through ALL areas of Goals with God.  

We join together and go through each area and then set a timer for each area and let the Holy Spirit to us about that area.

It is POWERFUL and so incredibly helpful to walk in the steps daily to stay focused on God.

When the Holy Spirit speaks it edifies the church so we share what the Holy Spirit has spoke to us and it edifies everyone that is gathered.

Why Submit Sundays?

Submit Sunday truly helps you to walk and stay focused on God for the 7 day Challenge.

It's a challenge to stay focused daily on our walk and the steps that we are taking should be from God.  We don't know if we don't ask.  His plans & thoughts are better than our thoughts.  

"For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, Nor [are] your ways My ways," says the LORD. - Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

How Do I Join Submit Sunday?​

On our Guided Steps App (you can access the app on your phone & on the computer)

The Guided Steps Community Is $12 a Year - Click Link Below! (This just helps us with the APP, equipment, etc.)

Inside the App You Will See The Guided Steps Community 

Then search for the CURRENT week.  There you will find Submit Sundays & God Mornings!

Why Men's & Women's Community?

We have a Men's & Women's Community.

This is so men can share prayers with other men and women share prayers with other women.

We all gather together for God Mornings & Submit Sunday's.  

The only difference is the prayer areas on the app.

God mornings have truly helped me get up and spend time with God every morning because I know there's a community, and we are all doing this together. The anointing of Guided Steps is evident when God brings so much out of me during the first hour of my day using the prompts that are provided. Before this, my morning routine would sometimes have prayer and devotion time to God, but writing down everything in the morning and praying over everything God brings to me is such a game-changer! Now I look forward to that time with God and often wake up before my alarm goes off!

Submit Sundays prepares me for the week ahead and helps me to truly implement goals based on the word of God. This keeps me moving forward every single say. I'm very thankful God led me to Guided Steps.

Needing Accountability?
We are here for YOU!

We want you to have the best experience with Guided Steps Community! It is essential to surround yourself with like-minded people who love God and want to grow in his peace and wisdom!

We want to help you with ACCOUNTABILITY to God!

We want to help you with
to God!

Accountability and commitment is why the Guided Steps Community gathers together.

We would love to have you join with us!​

A community that FASTS together…


We fast every week as a community.

We fast from 2 areas…


Giving up food for God & certain foods!


Giving up distractions that take time away from God.

... I love God mornings, even if I watch them on replay. Because it's a reminder of starting each day with God and other like-minded women. Submit Sundays are my favorite, though, because the work we do there sets the tone for the week. And I love having a plan. I can go back over my notes daily and remind myself of what I committed to on Sunday and also write down the blessings/answered prayers from each day. Sometimes we get hung up on only the big asks. "God, bring me that new job. God, please help me figure out how to pay these bills. Etc" But we forget to praise Him for the little things. It may be that our kids got along all day. Or you ran into an old friend at the store. Or someone paid for your food in line. Or if you are like me, I hit a deer last week going 60mph. God helped me see it in enough time to slow down enough to barely clip it. The deer lived and you can't even tell I hit it unless you look really close. That's a God thing. Not a I'm such a good driver thing. So to me, Submit Sunday helps me to remember to praise Him for all the things, big and small. Praise Him when I succeed and when I fail. This program has been a huge blessing to me and in turn also a blessing to my family. Because with change in me, comes change in my family too.

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• Discover new releases first
• Watch or Listen to lessons on the go
• Join our Community for love and accountability
• Check in for challenges
App available for Mobile & Tablet!

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