Your life could be completely different with Mindset Change!

Your life could be
completely different
with Mindset Change

Are you ready for change?

The fact that you recognized the need to create Guided Steps is Holy Spirit orchestrated. Even those of us who love and serve God need to be guided into a special time with him. You provided an avenue for me to reconnect with God first thing in the morning. I committed my vows to Him, and now my husband wants to get up with me because he wants to spend mornings with God and I. Thank you for helping me to rediscover my first love!

ALL backed up by bible scripture so you have TRUE Mindset Change and break habits & strongholds.

Anyone can try to sell their own beliefs on what they think the best way to change your life is, but we didn't want to be like everyone else. We have submerged ourselves in what the Bible has to say about all aspects of life and have included scripture in all of our lessons.

What's in the Mindset Change?

• Learn to set Yearly Goals that are God Centered
• Create Goals so that you stay focused
• We are going to learn TRUTH about our Mind
• Learn to truly take your thoughts captive so you can walk in TRUTH
• Learn 10 areas of your life to create Goals
• Set your mind on what's truly important to you
• Learn to acknowledge & change thoughts
• The secret to a 'balanced" life

ALL backed up by bible scripture so you have TRUE Mindset Change and break habits & strongholds

This is a life change and we have the daily tools to help you truly make the changes and stay accountable daily

We want to CELEBRATE with you!

We want to
with you!

We want you to have the best experience with the Mindset Change! It is important to celebrate every accomplishment big or small. As long as you are taking the steps to change your life, we will be right there with you to celebrate you!

First, I would like to take time out to thank Debbie Ballard for having a heart and mind to be intune to God's leading. I am happy to have connected with a women who is passionate about God's word, and willing to go above and beyond to make sure we are growing daily in His word for our personal lives. Being apart of Guided Steps has truly been a game changer for me concerning my personal prayer life. I had come to realize that I had become lazy in my walk and prayer life, yet the plan that Debbie laid out has helped me to become more intentional with how I pray and howi spend time with God. This community keeps me accountable concerning my growth in Christ and other areas of my life. I am so happy to be apart of something that has transformed me and my life in so many ways. I have been up against so much, and some situations has completed blindsided me. And I truly believe that, had I not had this foundation or experience with Guided Steps, those situations would have utterly crushed and broken me. I am so grateful Debbie that you are building each of us to be the men and women God designed us to be, so that we all will step boldly in each of our purpose and calling. Thank you for creating this platform to build up His Kingdom. Thank you for creating space that we can grow in our own personal relationships with Him, and helping us to be intentional about the time we spend in His Presence. You Totally Rock! Love you Debbie!!

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